Sunday, October 3, 2010

Active Learning Coach

I am procrastinating completing my assignment for a class I am taking to receive my CA Reading Certificate. I am taking an online course through UC Irvine called Teaching Comprehension Strategies. My assignment is to "describe how you would design reading instruction with a classroom you might teach" Wow! And in one page. I hope the professor likes my soon-to-be-written reading workshop view of reading instruction.

So, it's finally official! On Monday, MUSD was awarded an MSAP grant that will make two schools in the district magnet schools. (Yeah Marilyn!!!) I am going to be the Active Learning Coach at Arroyo West Active Learning Academy (where many teachers have also attended Teachers College Institutes thanks to FFT). This new opportunity to continue to learn and grow as an educator is very exciting. My job will be to coach classroom teachers as we work collaboratively to implement reading and writing workshops, project based learning, inquiry strategies, etc. into classroom instruction and student learning. Off on a great adventure!

I am sad to leave my Flory team, but we stay close through emails, phone calls, and frequent visits. We continue to collaborate together, sharing ideas and our passion of workshop teaching and learning. Yeah! All good.


  1. I insist on reading your description of how you would design reading instruction, Arli! You are always an inspiration to us all.

  2. Janet,
    Have you started Growing Readers? That has to be my next read because I feel inadequate coaching primary teachers. If so, are you enjoying it? Being able to implement in your K classroom? Just wondering. Need to pick your brain! I'm going to NY this weekend to go to a workshop by Kathy Collins as well as the Saturday reunion. Fun. I'm crazy. I know.
