Monday, July 19, 2010

An Amazing Week!

Participated in the “Teachers College Reading Project at Columbia University” last week with plans to acquire the latest detailed research on effective methods and teaching practices. Little did I know, my entire life would be transformed! No generic script was presented. What was disseminated was the “intensely intimate, joyous, intellectual work” awaiting teachers! We were asked to “examine our own personal lives, relationships to literacy and each other, investigate our reasons for choosing the teaching profession, ponder the dreams we have for our students and the desire we possess to fashion our own lives, working with a sense of personal agency and professional judgment.” Awesome, I say! With sincere gratitude to Funds for Teachers for affording me this introspective opportunity! Anxious am I to begin the work of sharing this experience with my colleagues and students.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found your blog via the TCRWP facebook page.. Reading this is so encouraging! I am so so glad you guys all got to come to NYC for the institutes. Your phrase, "Little did I know, my entire life would be transformed!" resonated with me a lot. That is how I feel each summer, and it's great to know others feel the same way.

    Best of luck as you begin a new school year! Maybe I'll see you at a Saturday Reunion or next summer.

